Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Beginnings!

Did you know that the number 8 means 'new beginnings.' My grandmother Mart told me this little known fact on my birthday this year (FYI its January 13 for anyone wanting to give me presents! ) That has definitely turned out to be true for me and many of my friends this year. Here are the new beginnings I know of.
1. I have a new job! I started this week at 121 Community Church as the Local Missions Minister. I love it!
2. My friends Mark and Leslie adopted 4 children at once! They are the cutest clan of sisters and brother that I have ever seen.
3. My house has had a whole makeover from new pipes to bathroom makeover (much of it not of my choosing, but because of everything breaking!) and God provided the funds to do it!
4. My friend Callie has a new job in Oklahoma and a new home too!
5. My friend Nicole has a new baby, welcome little Alex!
6. My friend Rebecca has a new home and finished her thesis! Woohoo!
7. My friend Kim is having her first baby this fall. So exciting!
8. My friend Traci is having twins! Doubly blessed!
9. My friend Kelli has a new home! After years of traveling the world, its good for them to be home!
10. My friend Tammy has totally remodeled her home this year! It looks great Tam!
11. My friend Molly started a new ministry this year. I love Spark Ministry Molly!

Anyway, the list could go on and on, but all this to say, this has truly been a year of new beginnings for many of us and I am celebrating it!

The book of James says "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Heaven" and I just wanted to publicly thank our Good Father and His Son Jesus for every good thing we have.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Last night I watched the sunset while I was flying home. Have you ever seen the sunset while flying through the clouds? The sun was brilliant orange and all the clouds glowed in it's brilliance as it made its exit for the day. It reminded me of that song, 'when I leave I want to go out like Elijah. In a whirlwind to fuel my chariot of fire.' Rich Mullins sure got it right. When I leave I want to go out like the brilliant sunset I saw today.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I am jet lagging! I have been home for over a week and am just now getting to the final part of my trip review. Not sure if anyone will still be interested, but I want finish what I started!

August 13 – 20 Madrid, Spain.
I am so thankful to Amy Swacina and the Oasis Madrid church for their hospitality. Oasis Madrid was started by some Christian Associates missionaries. It’s a fantastic church, dedicating to loving the city of Madrid with the gospel. I joined their team one day to pass out food to the homeless. Every Friday they pack 24 lunches to give out to folks who live on the streets of their neighborhood. They have been doing this for two years and as a result, developed real friendships. The gospel is shared very naturally as they give hugs and hand out a lunch. Inevitably someone will always ask, ‘why are you doing this?” Kelly told me the best answer she has for them is that Jesus said that we are to share our possessions. She says it’s a basic Christian teaching. I went away from my time with Oasis Madrid realizing that I don’t share like that near enough. Thank you for the great admonition to love others as I would like to be loved!
I also spent time with my dear friends the Wilsons who also live in Madrid. Traveling solo can get lonely so it was very timely to see some old friends. We laughed, caught up on life, and rejoiced at Levi’s 4th bday party. The party was complete with a Nemo Pinata for all the kids to enjoy. What fu to see the Wilson’s enjoying their lives in Madrid and meet many of their wonderful friends.