Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 7- 13 Brussels, Belgium. Visited with my friend Janee. I met her incredible fiancée Hary, her godly friends, watched her prepare for her wedding (Sept 6!), went shopping together in Brugge, and just had fun! We also spent time praying together and encouraging each other in the Lord. It is so critical that we do this when we gather as Christians. I love it that Janee is always ready to give a word of admonition and offer a prayer. What a blessing she is!

It was here that I had my ‘divine appointment’ experience. I wrote about that in an earlier entry. I am always amazed how the Lord allows me to share the gospel on every overseas trip experience. It continues to affirm my gift of evangelism and delights my heart when the opportunities arise. Thank you Jesus!
August 2 – 6 Kandern, Germany.
I visited with my friends the Ellis’s who work with SIL. They live in the beautiful Black Forest which borders France and Switzerland. We took an outing to France one day and visited a midievil castle (pictured right). I so enjoyed a time of refreshment with them and also a time of learning about the ministries in that region. It turns out that Kandern is home to quite a few organizations (IMB, SIL, JANZ, GEM). I visited three different ministry headquarters, met leaders, and learned more about Europe. It was here where I learned that the attrition rate for missionaries in Europe is the highest in the entire world. Wow. I had no idea.

One ministry I learned about was the JANZ team. The JANZ team ministers in Europe through gospel music. They have a beautiful recording studio and Danny Plett, a worship leader with JANZ, gave me the tour. As a fellow worship leader, I was very interested in their studio. It is beautiful and well equpped. I must confess I was a little jealous of the Steinway piano!

Below is a pic of Kandern, Germany. Isn't it beautiful and quintessentially Bavarian? I just love the flower boxes.

Below is the fun Ellis family. I know this is a random shot of their family, but I love it. We all had a fun day touring the castle in France.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

July 27- August 2 Sopron, Hungary.

I attended the Connect Conference hosted by Christian Associates. My time with the church planters of CA proved very fruitful and affirming. Darrin Jones (pictured here), a church planter in Aix-en-Provence, France said to me, “If you aren’t living a missional life at home, don’t think you will do it in Europe.” I really resonated with this. In fact I have told myself this very thing for many years, but to hear it from someone who lives overseas resonated even more. Something about Darrin’s comment just gave me freedom. I could sense a big sigh of relief in my spirit. I know that God has me exactly where he wants me for now and I am so thankful.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Over the next few posts I am going to do a Europe 2008 Trip Summary. I have broken it into dates and places. I think this is the easiest way to share what I have experienced. Thanks for reading!

July 24-26 Marseille, France. Visited with my friends, Scott and Mentanna. We talked about lots of things, but the main thing I took away from my time with them is that the soil is very hard in Europe (If you have a minute, read the parable of the soils in Luke 8). Imagine a farmer having to overturn a rocky field. That is what life is like here, slow, hard work. Planting churches here doesn't happen quickly like it does in other parts of the world. It takes constant preparation of the soil and consistent scattering of seed.

In my observations of Europe, I think that most Europeans are overall confused about the message of Christianity and the Bible. This coupled with the great wealth most enjoy creates major stumbling blocks for the gospel to be heard. But, I have had some wonderful conversations with people about my life as a follower of Jesus and they were very receptive. Unforuntately the God of the Scriptures has not been represented well for hundreds of years in this part of the world. (The Crusades are a major hurdle, and rightly so). But if someone lives authentic Christ-likeness in the world, people take note. That type of living gives one the right to be heard.

So my question today is this, am I living authentic Christ likeness? Am I living in a way that honors the teachings of Christ and gives voice to the love of God? If not, then should the world even listen to me? The more I see a world hungering for real love, forgiveness, truth, healing, help, friendship, acceptance, joy, patience, and life, the more I want to share that it is all found in one person... Jesus.

Let's walk the walk.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Divine Appointments…
A few years ago I heard the phrase ‘Divine appointment’ and it was intriguing to me. I first heard the phrase in a foreign country and we were told to pray that God would cross our path with someone who might want to talk about spiritual matters. I must confess that I was somewhat skeptical. When I looked out upon a city of 15 million that day, I really wondered how God would order the universe in a way so detailed that He would cross my path with someone who wanted to talk of faith.
Well, God began to ruin my small minded view on that first trip overseas and now 8 years later, He continues to ruin me. God is ALL about crossing our paths with those who want to talk about faith. In fact, He loves to do it! The problem is that I am not usually praying in the spiritual realm most of the time. I am usually asking God for the natural things I need like food, clothing, my keys (I lose them all the time) and things on that level. While God will take care of this (his promise to his children in Matt 6) I really think He is more interested in the bigger things. I think the bigger thing He is interested in is souls. We are spiritual beings, created for eternity. I think God wants us to ask Him about the spiritual realm more than the physical. There is a spiritual war being waged around us every minute. Am I engaged, am I asking God about it? Am I equipping myself with the Word and the Good News so that I am ready to participate in the eternal? (Ephesians 6) Too often my lame brain is concentrating more on this world that is passing away, rather than the world that is yet to come. (Rev 7)
So I wanted to share a story of how God jerked me into the spiritual realm while I was in Brussels. I was having a super time with my friend Janee. I so loved being with her and meeting her fiancée. My time was so wonderful with them that I was unable to schedule any time with my friend Nada, who works for Christian Associates. I wanted to meet Nada and hear about the CA work there but I had given that desire to the Lord a few days before and said to God, “If you want me to see Nada, I know you will do it.” So, with that short prayer I went on having a great time with Janee and Hary.
So, Janee and I were spending our last day together in the city. We walked out of the restaurant we were in and who did we ‘bump’ into? Nada!!! I was so thrilled! God ordered the world so that we could meet up in a city of millions of people! This is what I mean by Divine appointments. It is just so incredible how God does this. Nada invited us to join her and a friend that she was meeting for coffee. Well it just so happens that this friend she was meeting wanted to talk about spiritual matters. She and Nada were meeting for this purpose.
Well, 6 hours later our coffee was long gone and our hearts were so full because of the conversation had! Nada’s friend asked so many wonderful questions and intently listened to our testimonies. She told us that she is very open to the teachings of Jesus and that she wants to explore it more. It will be a privilege to pray for her as she and Nada continue to discuss the gospel. I know God will bless her pursuit because Jesus promises ‘that if you seek me you will find me if you seek me with all your heart.’
Isn’t our God so great? After experiencing such a miracle, you want other Christians to experience something similiar. And I believe God wants all of us to experience Him like this all the time. So, I am writing this to encourage you and also to dare you. You may be like I was 8 years ago, somewhat skeptical. That’s ok, I still dare you to ask God for a divine appointment. I dare you to ask God to allow you to share your testimony with someone in the next few days. Or ask God that you can minister to a friend in a special way that is unexpected by you and them. Maybe you can minister through prayer, service, hospitality, something… God can use us in a variety of ways to incarnate the gospel to someone else. So, I dare you to ask God for a divine encounter. Then I dare you to share it by commenting on my blog. If we all started sharing our experiences, I think we will be much more daring and much more encouraged to step out on faith with bold prayers.
So “I dare you to move.” (Hopefully the chorus of the Switchfoot song is playing in your mind now.)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I have participated in three very diverse church services since being in Europe. It has been wonderful! Last Sunday, I worshipped at the Arabic Christian Church in Brussels. They welcomed me with open arms and even invited me to share a song with them. So, I shared my song, "Lord I Praise You" along with that song story. It was a very encouraging time. I loved listening as this church sang "Father I adore You" in Arabic. It was beautiful.

Here are a few pics of my time with my friends in Brussels.

These are my treasured friends Janee and Hary. It is because of my friendship with Janee that I even had the privilege to meet everyone at the Arabic Christian Church of Brussels. Janee and I met in seminary. She is now an English teacher in Brussels and is engaged to Hary, a wonderful Christian man who loves Jesus with all his heart. They will marry on Sept 6 and I am so thankful I got to meet Hary before he marries my friend! Hary, you passed inspection! Janee, I am so happy for you! Thank you for a wonderful time in your home. You both really blessed me more than words can say.

This is Buchra. Buchra prayed for me during the worship service in French. I was very blessed by that. Even when you can't understand, in the Spirit you know that God is blessing your life through the prayer of a sister.

The other two church experiences have been in Madrid. Right now I am in Madrid and really enjoying myself. CA has two teams located in this area. One team planted a church in the suburbs, about 45 minutes outside of the city (Mountainview). The other team is in the city center (Oasis Madrid). I have been staying with a gal who works for Oasis Madrid. Last night we had house church at her apartment. It was wonderful as we heard Troy tell us the story of Onesimus in dramatic story telling style. It was incredible. And one of the gals, Kelly, led us in worship. (Kelly is in the middle of the pic below) This morning I attended Mountainview and played with their worship band. They rocked! I have really enjoyed Madrid. Here is a pic of one of my outings with the girls here!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I talked to my Mom yesterday and she requested more pictures. So, per her request, here are some pictures. I thought I would give you some of the best so far.

Christian Associates Conference
Sopron, Hungary
July 27-August 2

This is Steve Severs. He met with Amber and I in March and shared with us about CAI. Steve is 6'9" and yes, he plays basketball. He actually played professionally in Europe. After becoming a Christian he returned to Europe with CAI to start churches in Brussels. When I met with Steve I had no idea it would lead to me attending Connect. It's always fun to see where a first conversation can lead.

Danish was a big blessing to us at our conference. Danish is Hungarian and handled all the PR between our group and the hotel. He was incredible! With a conference of 250 Americans, you can bet he was busy helping us! As a gift, I gave Danish some of my music and am praying that it blesses him as he blessed me! Thank you Danish!

This is Greg Boyd and his wife. Greg was the teacher for our conference. He is most famous for his book, "Letters to a Skeptic." Greg has a wonderful heart for Jesus and really ministered to me. The Holy Spirit spoke through him powerfully and I was very challenged by his messages. All the messages from the conference are on itunes. If you do a search in itunes under "Christian Associates" You will find the Connect messages. I highly encourage you to check it out.

I had high hopes of posting more pics but I am tired. As I look at this picture with Greg, I am reminded of what he said from the platform, "I feel like I found my tribe." I echo that sentiment. This band of brothers and sisters called "Christian Associates" are my kind of people. They are just real people, serving a real Savior and doing whatever it takes to share Christ in a relevant way.

One of the church planters of CA said to me, "Amy, if you aren't engaged in your own culture, sharing Jesus, then what makes you think you will do it here?" I keep thinking about that. I am so convicted by that statement. Why do we think missions is for someone else in another place? Why don't we think of ourselves as missionaries to our neighbors, friends, business partners? Did you know that is what missionaries do? They just look for people around them to share the gospel with. They wake up each morning and ask God for an opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a tangible way. Am I doing that at home? If I am not doing that in Texas, what makes me think I will do it in Europe?

So, as I come home to Texas I have decided I must learn Spanish. I have said this 100 times, but really, I know it's time. (Rebecca, get ready! I need a tutor!) I am actually very excited about the future in Texas and what God will do in the next season of life.

Blessings friends. Let's go share Jesus today.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Due to little availability of internet, I have not been able to keep you updated. I finished the conference on Saturday, put Amber on a plane home, caught a train to Basel, SWZ and have been in Kandern Germany since Sunday morning. Oh, and did mention I took a night train? I reserved a 'couchette', which simply means very little bed. It was not as Euro-glamorous as I thought it would be! I think I got about 3 hours of sleep.
My friends, the Ellis's live in this region. They have so been so hospitable. We have had a wonderful time seeing the sites, eating wonderful food, visiting a French castle. (see pic below)
I have learned more about their work with Wycliff. It is amazing how God is using them to further the Kingdom.
The Black Forest is a must see for any of you considering a visit to Germany. It's so beautiful. Here are a few pics from our outings around here. Bless you all and thank you for praying. My time has been refreshing and full of Jesus.
