Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Beginnings!

Did you know that the number 8 means 'new beginnings.' My grandmother Mart told me this little known fact on my birthday this year (FYI its January 13 for anyone wanting to give me presents! ) That has definitely turned out to be true for me and many of my friends this year. Here are the new beginnings I know of.
1. I have a new job! I started this week at 121 Community Church as the Local Missions Minister. I love it!
2. My friends Mark and Leslie adopted 4 children at once! They are the cutest clan of sisters and brother that I have ever seen.
3. My house has had a whole makeover from new pipes to bathroom makeover (much of it not of my choosing, but because of everything breaking!) and God provided the funds to do it!
4. My friend Callie has a new job in Oklahoma and a new home too!
5. My friend Nicole has a new baby, welcome little Alex!
6. My friend Rebecca has a new home and finished her thesis! Woohoo!
7. My friend Kim is having her first baby this fall. So exciting!
8. My friend Traci is having twins! Doubly blessed!
9. My friend Kelli has a new home! After years of traveling the world, its good for them to be home!
10. My friend Tammy has totally remodeled her home this year! It looks great Tam!
11. My friend Molly started a new ministry this year. I love Spark Ministry Molly!

Anyway, the list could go on and on, but all this to say, this has truly been a year of new beginnings for many of us and I am celebrating it!

The book of James says "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Heaven" and I just wanted to publicly thank our Good Father and His Son Jesus for every good thing we have.


malita said...

awww this is my old layout - memories, from the corner of my mind, misty water colored memories, of the way we werrrrrrrrr - k i'm finished.

Mandy B Stenberg said...

Hi Amy. Such a small world. I went to church with Mark and Leslie at Glenview Church way back in my seminary days. CRAZY.

Elizabeth said...

Well congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear about what all you will do.

Elizabeth Brackin Boozer

auDi tHis woRld said...

Amy!! I made your 'new beginnings' countdown!! :-) Very fun!!! LOVE YOU.