Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Due to little availability of internet, I have not been able to keep you updated. I finished the conference on Saturday, put Amber on a plane home, caught a train to Basel, SWZ and have been in Kandern Germany since Sunday morning. Oh, and did mention I took a night train? I reserved a 'couchette', which simply means very little bed. It was not as Euro-glamorous as I thought it would be! I think I got about 3 hours of sleep.
My friends, the Ellis's live in this region. They have so been so hospitable. We have had a wonderful time seeing the sites, eating wonderful food, visiting a French castle. (see pic below)
I have learned more about their work with Wycliff. It is amazing how God is using them to further the Kingdom.
The Black Forest is a must see for any of you considering a visit to Germany. It's so beautiful. Here are a few pics from our outings around here. Bless you all and thank you for praying. My time has been refreshing and full of Jesus.



auDi tHis woRld said...

such great photos!! :-) love seeing and reading about your you!

Amy Nobles said...

Love you too Kimbolina! Thanks for praying. God is at work!